How do I Schedule an Appointment?
To schedule an appointment please visit our home page and click the New or Existing Client link. This will allow you to submit an appointment request.
Once we receive your request we will add you to our appointment list to get you scheduled with other barns/ clients in your area.
Typically our appointment wait time is 2-4 weeks. Our typical availability is Tuesday-Friday 9- 5, depending on your location.
How do I prepare for my appointment?
Have your horse in, groomed (hoofs picked out and clean) for your appointment time
If it is going to rain, please make sure your horse is dry when we arrive- we cannot fit a wet horse (sweat= wet)
Have all of your tack out, clean and ready to go (including your bridle and any boots you require to ride)
Have your riding gear ready to go (Helmet, boots, etc..) Karen may request that you ride in your newly adjusted saddle to ensure the best fit
What Should I Expect at my Appointment?
For a new client, a client with a new horse or a client with a new saddle- a full saddle fit evaluation can take up to 1.5 hours per horse. We appreciate your assistance on helping us stay on a schedule by being ready for your appointment (see question above).
We will evaluate your saddle on your horse, adjust flocking, and may request that you ride so we can thermal image your saddle for fit.
When Is Payment Due?
Payment is due on the day of service, no exceptions. We accept cash, checks, credit cards and PayPal. Any invoices not paid on day of service may be subject to late fees/ finance charges. Please make all checks payable to The Refined Equine, LLC.
How Often Should I have my Saddle Fitted?
Saddles should be fitted and adjusted every 2-6 months, at least once annually depending on your horse and the work they are in. More often for young/ developing horses, horses in full work, or sensitive horses.